Thursday, April 19, 2012

What was their name?

Well this is the last blog post, it’s been such a fast semester. I’m glad for classes to be over however I enjoyed this class. It defiantly has been a lot of writing however its been writing that deals more with us being creative and really finding out how much our writing has improved over the semester.  Blog posts I have to say have been my least favorite highly due to the fact that I always forgot to post on the blog. Future advice for the class is to make the class come together more as a group. I cant say I even remember the girls names on the other side of the room. Overall it was a great English 1050 class.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Red Wings + Exams = xD

Well its the final week of normal classes and all my professors feel the need to have five exams this week. Not including along with the final folder due in this class. It’s kind of a lot to have on my plate during this last week. I have three exams tomorrow and the red Wings hockey game is on tonight. Which will be my major distraction seems how its the fourth game and they are 1-2 which they need to win this game. I'm sure I will study before, during and after the game though. I can’t wait for this semester to be over with! Bring on summer!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Going home?

Well its almost the end of summer, and classes are starting to pile on the homework. Its two weeks left until we leave for summer. I'm in a hurry to be able to finish on a good foot, however I can't say that I’m excited to go home all summer. Four months of listening to my mother again will be a rough change. We come to college and become so independent, then we go back and she thinks that I cant still make decisions on my own.  I wish summer was only a month and then classes started again, however I’m just going to take classes at home and get a different job! I'm excited to go home, just not excited for the amount of time im going to be there.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


My original text is Cinderella Fairy tale by The Grimm Brothers.
My familiar gene is a Facebook website that is an update representative of Cinderella.

Cinderella's Facebook
My unfamiliar gene is going to be a personal ad in which the step mother is looking for men for her daughters.
Personal AD

Picking these two genes really have me excited to do this English Project. The purpose of the Facebook page is to show a more updated version of what Cinderella would be like if she had a Facebook. I'm going to use it as a time line throughout her story. The audience of this would be 13+ due to the fact that's the age at which most kids have Facebook.  The media design of this is going to be a website.
The purpose of the Personal Ad is the fact during the whole story the Evil step mom is looking for a man to date her daughters. The personal ad is towards an older audience, the media and design of this is going to be print, and a lot of working with formatting.

With Facebook i haven't decided if I'm going to just make a page for Cinderella or if im going to make a page for both the Prince and Cinderella. With the personal ad its going to be each one for each of the girls. In desperate cries for the step mom in finding them a man.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


                   A suggestion that was given to me about my paper was not to use I believe or I think in my paper. I have now taken out all the I’s and made sure that I still voice my opinion without having to say I believe or I think which was weakling my paper. I also have to make sure that my ethos pathos and logos weren’t all clumped together. There was also a suggestion to work on my sentence phrasing so tonight I have reread it out loud in hopes to find awkward phrases. I also have a writing center appointment to help with the odds and ends of my paper.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Spring Into the Streets!

This Saturday I have been looking forward to all week! This Saturday I will be doing spring into the streets with the CAB team. Spring into the streets is a volunteer based program that allows us to give back to our community by volunteering our Saturday afternoon to fix up Kalamazoo. They give us site projects like painting a fence or picking up trash and we work together to complete it. I’m really excited to know that I get to help Kalamazoo out and work with the people I love to be around. Its my first time doing this type of activity within the Kalamazoo area, but I have done things like this before back at home. And you always get to go home with dirty hands, a big smile and an accomplished feeling.

Horton Hears a Who outline

Michele E Wagner
Analysis Outline
March 27, 2012
Horton Hears A Whobook by Dr. Seuss and Film directed by Jimmy Hayward, Steve Martino

Horton Hears a Who is about an Elephant whose name is Horton; during the day he finds this floating speck that has a town of people on it. He goes through this journey to save the speck along the way having conflicts come into his way which he has to over come to help save Who’s-vile. Horton gets a lot of grief about talking to the clover that’s carrying the speck. During all of this the town is getting shaken up and ruined while the journey with Horton happens. The kangaroo tells Horton there isn’t anything on that speck and he’s crazy in the head. The monkeys steal the clover and then the eagle drops it into a field of clovers. Horton spends all day looking until he finds the speck. The kangaroo then see’s that Horton has found the speck again and she has the Wickersham monkeys tie him up. Then they say their going to burn the clover with the speck on it. Horton tells the whole Who-vile to yell as loud as they can. They try and try but then the major learns that his son Jojo isn’t yelling, once he does they finally get the kangaroo to hear the speck. Then she agrees she’s going to help protect the speck too.

The purpose of Horton Hears a Who is mainly entertainment that encloses teaching of the moral of the movie and book. The audience of this book and movie is mainly aimed at children however with the actors of the movie and the fact it’s a Dr. Seuss book I believe it does make it more acceptable for any age to be interested. I loved the book and movie but I don’t think its aimed towards my age group. The tone of this book and movie is more of a caring feeling. Horton always shows the soft side even though everyone finds him crazy. The tone is also energetic and happy. The designs of the two texts are extremely different the book keeps it rather simple only using white, blues and peach. While the movie is bright colors.

The ethos, pathos and logos of Horton Hears a Who book and movie, helps explain the creditability, emotion and logic of the book and movie. The Ethos of the movie is the fact that its Jim Carrey and Steve Carell. The ethos of book is the fact that the author of this book is Dr. Seuss. The emotion of the movie is both about Horton and mainly more focused on the Major and the conflicts and emotions of Who-vile. The Logos of the movie would be the fact that Jojo doesn’t think that he really matters, but once he finally yells at the end its what breaks the sound barrier. The book logos are the moral they show that just because you can’t see something doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist.

       I.            Jimmy Hayward, Steve Martino Horton Hears a Who successfully transforms Dr. Seuss Horton Hears a Who.


    II.            The scenes where Horton talks to the major and all of who-ville is the same.

a.       “I know its too small to be seen, but I’m major of a town that’s friendly and clean.” (pg. 21)

b.      The crash due to the drop of the eagle was the same effects.

 III.            Both the book and the movie people thought Horton was crazy

a.       “I think you’re a fool!” laughed the sour kangaroo.(13)

b.      “For almost two days you’ve run wild and insisted on chatting with persons who’ve never existed.”(35)

 IV.            Horton has the strong urge to protect who-ville in both the book and movie

a.       When the eagle dropped the clover into the clover field he spends all day looking for it, yet he never gives up on who-ville.

b.      Even though everyone thinks hes gone crazy he still persists on saving the speck.

    V.            Conclusion.