Tuesday, April 10, 2012


My original text is Cinderella Fairy tale by The Grimm Brothers.
My familiar gene is a Facebook website that is an update representative of Cinderella.

Cinderella's Facebook
My unfamiliar gene is going to be a personal ad in which the step mother is looking for men for her daughters.
Personal AD

Picking these two genes really have me excited to do this English Project. The purpose of the Facebook page is to show a more updated version of what Cinderella would be like if she had a Facebook. I'm going to use it as a time line throughout her story. The audience of this would be 13+ due to the fact that's the age at which most kids have Facebook.  The media design of this is going to be a website.
The purpose of the Personal Ad is the fact during the whole story the Evil step mom is looking for a man to date her daughters. The personal ad is towards an older audience, the media and design of this is going to be print, and a lot of working with formatting.

With Facebook i haven't decided if I'm going to just make a page for Cinderella or if im going to make a page for both the Prince and Cinderella. With the personal ad its going to be each one for each of the girls. In desperate cries for the step mom in finding them a man.

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