Thursday, January 12, 2012

Click the 'Start' button to Shut Down the computer.

I’m pretty sure I stared at this blank post for about five minutes wondering what I was going to say. Introductions seem to be my least favorite, seems how you always say the general things; your favorite color, animal, tv show or something along those lines. We’ll I don’t have a favorite color, food or T.V show.  I am extremely indecisive about things, I hate picking where to go to eat, or what movie were going to see.  My names Michele Wagner, I’m a freshman in field of nursing (for now anyways). I have a turtle named Fatzilla. I love tennis, fishing, drawing and going to hockey games! 

& I love Oxymorons :)

I read a blog about the pros and cons of working while in college.  The genre would be a blog, I would personally classify it as academic, due to the fact it was informational. The purpose of the blog was to help students realize that benefits and disadvantages of having a job while in college. The blog explains how to pick a job that's going to benefit you in the future. The audience was aimed towards college students, with or without jobs. The stance was informational with a friendly tone. The media is electronic. Design is rather simple with bullet points outlining the facts.

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